Monday, December 19, 2011



We thought we had all the stylistic bases covered in the world of illustration, until we met the team from Pushart! This latest addition to our group definitely adds a new dimension (pun intended). Pushart conceives, draws, builds and photographs miniature 3D sets. Smart and fast, they are perfect for quick editorial deadlines. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Once in a while a project comes around in which we can really leverage our deep talent base.  This Fall we completed a project for Softmart, an IT consulting firm.  They wanted to do a calendar featuring 14 portraits celebrating various inventors in the IT world and they wanted each portrait to have an unique style reflecting the inventor.  Enter G&C Rapp.  We played match maker and came up with 14 artists who if we do say so ourselves, produced a fantastic calendar and a great show piece for our group.

Illustration by James Steinberg
Calculator- George Stibitz created the first
relay-based calculator in 1937 and later that year
became the first person to operate a computing
device remotely over  phone lines.
Illustration by Daniel Hertzberg
Binary Code- Claude Shannon in 1937 proposed
that binary arithmatic could be used in electronic
devices. His work is fundamental to the basic
operation of modern computers.
Illustration by Michael Witte
Computer Memory- Kenneth Olsen created
numerous devices that advanced computing
and led to the development of magnetic core
memory, a precursor to modern RAM (1960s).
Illustration by James O'Brien
Magnetic Storage- Dr. An Wang co-invented the
pulse transfer-controlling device in 1949, which
makes memory storage possible.

Illustration by Rafael Ricoy
Mouse- Douglas Engelbart invented the mouse
 in 1963, a device that facilitates the interaction
between humans and computers.

Illustration by Daniel Baxter
LCD- James L. Fergason is best known as the
inventor of the LCD, or Liquid Crystal Display.

Illustration by Jan Feindt
Computer Switches- Dr. Erna Schneider Hoover 
invented a method for automating the phone 
system at Bell Labs, which eliminated human decision 
making in favor of a computer (1971).
Illustration by Peter Horvath
Fiber Optics- Dr. Peter Schultz is the
co-inventor of fiber optics which allows
for near-instant global telecommunications
Illustration by Robert de Michiell
Cell Phones- Amos Joel Jr. devised a 
mechanism to hand off calls from one receiver 
to another in cellular communications, thus 
allowing the modern cell phone system (1972).

Illustration by PJ Loughran
Microprocessor- Dr. Marcian "Ted" Hoff is one
of the inventors of the microprocessor. He is 
widely credited as conceiving the idea of a 
universal processor (1971).
Illustration by Eric Zahn
GPS- Bradford Parkinson is known as the father
of the Global Positioning System. For fifty years 
he has worked in the military, academia, and the
private sector, promoting and innovating satellite-
based GPS (1973).
Illustration by Anthony Freda
Internet- Vinton " Vint" Cerf is recognized
as one of the fathers of the internet. A former 
manager at DARPA, he led groups in developing
TCP/IP technology (1974).
Illustration by Arthur Giron
Personal Computer- Dr. Mark Dean led the team that 
developed the ISA bus (that allows multiple devices 
to be connected to a single computer), as well as 
the team that created the first one-gigahertz computer 
processing chip (1981).
Illustration by Bob Staake
Digital Camera- Steven S. Sasson designed and
built the world's first digital camera. in 1975 he
cobbled together a prototype and produced the first 
digital picture- a black-and-white, .01 megapixel 
photo of a lab assistant.